Art Inspiration: Answering the question: "How are you REALLY doing?"
Hello My Fellow Art Lovers-
(Three new episodes of the Studio Alchemy Podcast are available! Listen here)
Since my last newsletter a lot has happened!
First Janet MADE ME IMMORTAL by creating this sculpture of my face.
I imagine that the plants are like all of my wild ideas sprouting out of my head.
THEN I moved to North Carolina... taking my boyfriend, plants and cats with me.
I explored... finding light at the end of the tunnel
and heaven on earth
which inspired my latest painting, North Carolina.
The motto of North Carolina is Esse Quam Videri, To be rather than to seem. This means we are real. We are authentic.
One friend asked me how I was doing. I said "fine." Then they asked, "but how are you REALLY doing?" I laughed and said "yes really I'm doing great."
And really I am. I realized that after I moved to Indiana years ago I got depressed. Deep down I was worried that would happen to me after this move as well. But so much is different now. I don't have an infant to take care of. And I know myself. I know how to make my own dreams a reality, not just follow someone else's ideals.
I have my projects and... art groups. I'm not lost. I know right where I want to be.
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