Saturday, September 28, 2024

Art Inspiration: All Creatures Great and Small


Hello My Fellow Art Lovers-

"If I had been a little dog I'd have gone leaping and gamboling around wagging my tail furiously."
-James Herriot from All Creatures Great and Small

 Friends Together at Blue Sky Earthschool, Sold

Happy Autumn Everyone! Are you ready for harvest colors???

I am still in Indiana and getting ready to move to North Carolina next week.  

During this in between time I have taken on some fun odd jobs including painting a mural at Blue Sky Earth School.

The mural wraps down the stairs leading the children to the storytime den.

Danielle requested that the mural feature images from an enchanting book from 1905, the Root Children.


In the book the root children are awakened by mother earth to rise up and enjoy the springtime.

They enjoyed the mural so much they asked me back to paint the chicken coop. 

So now I can add chicken muralist to my resume!

And yes I got paid in eggs too.

And now for the sad news. 

Our beloved mascot Doogie passed away. 

Doogie was always ready to greet everyone at the studio.  

He was such a friendly guy!  He drove me bananas because he always wanted to be with us during class.  

I built the "Doogie Door" out of an old wooden screen in order to keep him out.  But it rarely worked for long because he was so sneaky.


(Cat was Doogie's biggest fan!)


My daughter, Em made this sticker of Doogie.

Can you see Doogie hiding in the bushes of my painting?  That was his favorite spot.

May we be as spunky as the Doogster.

And if you are asked which is better, cats or dogs, you know the answer....

Just kidding I love dogs too.

May this message inspire you! Feel free to share ❤

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