Hello My Fellow Art Lovers-
"What and whom we love is a lens to focus our love of life itself."
-Maria Popova
Apples in the Tree, Sold
What do you love? What will you focus on?
Did you know that before Hitler rose to power in Germany he wanted to become an artist? Twice he applied to study at the Academy of Fine Art in Vienna but was rejected. I wonder how different the outcome of WWII would have been if he had been encouraged to focus on something more positive.

What you focus on will shape your life. What you focus on grows.
In 1902 the author, James Allen, wrote...
"A man is literally what he thinks, his character being the complete sum of all his thoughts."
Tree on a Summer Evening, Sold
Right now my focus is on painting more of what I want to see. I want to see more growth and vegetation- less pavement!

20 years ago my garden was paved over. The former owner had the pavement torn out. Now it is teeming with birds, bugs, herbs, flowers and my blue tailed lizards.
How funny is it that outside the other day I found this sign....

When my focus this week is on gathering materials for our upcoming Tree Painting Class!

(August Painting Club and this class start Thursday! Join us by registering here.)
For the Beauty of the Earth, Sold
So let's work on trees!
Morning in Ed's Garden, Sold
"Learn to cultivate your own garden."
By the way I did end up changing my Great Balls of Fire painting....
Before After
Great Balls of Fire, Hirschten
The blue cooled it down too much and I wanted it hot! Sometimes you just have to keep working until you get it right.
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