Hello My Fellow Art Lovers-
"A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what a ship is built for.” - John A. Shedd
 Do you ever feel like sailing away? Escaping on a pilgrimage of epic proportions?
I have! Lately I dream of crossing the ocean with just a notebook and set of paints to document the journey.
 I even added a Viking ship to my 2022 vision board.
In the song, "Blue Boat Home" Peter Mayer wrote:
"I’ve been sailing all my life now, never harbor or port have I known. The wide universe is the ocean I travel and the earth is my blue boat home." 
Last year I made this painting for a client of an albatross. This amazing bird travels way out into the ocean, miles from land, and just lives. He doesn't need to touch down on grounded earth. Wow
I wrote a whole section of my upcoming symbolism book on how it is best to:

If plants are to grow they have to get rooted, stay in one place.
"Along the Picket Fence" Sold I like being grounded in one place. To sink my feet into the soil like a plant.
Dreaming of the Ocean, Framed $469
BUT sometimes it is good to explore.
I've been reading this fabulous travel diary book "A Fine Romance" by Susan Branch (for the third time!)
 It is a dream just to imagine crossing the Atlantic on a boat and pottering about England. I wish I could go! Keep dreaming...
Chaucer wrote that springtime is when people get this feeling.... When we "longen to goon on pilgrimages."

So where should I go? Suggestions for fabulous art retreats?
Is this just the siren calling my name????
 Many of today's illustrations are from my upcoming book on SYMBOLISM! Stay tuned for the more juicy symbols and art philosophy as I swim through this material.
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